Atomic MassAtomic mass: the relative mass of atoms in ATOMIC MASS UNITS (u).

Atomic Mass of He is 4.00u
Atomic Mass of O is 16.0uAtomic Mass of C is 12.0u
Formula Mass: Total mass of all the atoms in the formula of an ionic compound in Atomic Mass Units
Atomic mass of Na = 23.0 , Cl = 35.5
= 23.0+ 35.5 = 58.5u
Atomic mass of Cu = 63.5 , C = 12, O3 = 16+16+16 = 63.5 + 12 + 3(16) = 123.5u
Molecular Mass: Total mass of all the atoms that make up a molecule of a covalent compound, organic compound or a polyatomic element in ATOMIC MASS UNIT (u)
C6 = 6(12) , H12 = 12(1), O6 = 6(16)= 6(12) + 12(1) + 6(16) = 180u
Molar Mass : mass of mole (6.022 x 10^23 particles) of a substance and is the same numerial value of Atomic mass, formula mass, or molecular mass but expressed IN GRAMS PER MOLEi.e.
the molecular mass of NO is 26.0 u and the molar mass of NO is 26.0g/moleAs the molecular mass and molar mass are both have the same result, but they are just different express =)
Mole Conversions
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